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Marimba Mallets

Ensemble Series

The Ensemble Series mallets come in five different grades of hardness. The mallets are machine wrapped and the yarn tension is perfectly consistent. Ensemble Series mallets are for everyday practice and a great choice for almost any musical situation.

16 1/4" satin finished birch handles.



Concert Series

The Concert Series Marimba Mallets are designed for the performing marimba player. The yarn is machine wrapped for consistency and has a slightly looser tension than the Ensemble Series. The mallets produce a full rich tone and the bright white yarn adds to the visual effect for your performance.

16 1/4" satin finished birch handles.



Student Series

Our "Level One Series" student mallets are built with durability in mind and covers the full range of percussion instruments.


All mallets feature 15” black birch handles. The vibraphone and marimba mallets have slightly smaller mallet heads that help students with note accuracy.


Our student timpani mallets are truly unique and are made with a soft, synthetic, felt-like covering that is considerably more durable than traditional timpani felt while the tone qualities are very similar.


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